Friday, June 6, 2014

Two Weeks

For those of a certain age, or certain fandom of one Austrian bodybuilder turned actor and politician, the phrase 'Two Weeks' is one of those that will most likely conjure up images of a red-headed middle age woman traveling through security at the Mars station in the movie 'Total Recall'. The one from the '90's not the slick retelling from a few years ago. Kids, use your internet search skills.

 Yes, today it is 2 weeks, 14 days from the event. Last night my co-pilot and I got together to hammer out some details that weren't really necessary to hammer out before now. The are no number nerd things today but I just wanted to get an update out there. The link to the donation page should be appearing to the right now. If not here it is

Thank you again and keep getting the message out there. #ReduceStigma

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