Thursday, August 28, 2014


Today is my 42nd birthday. I joke that I'm now the answer to life, the universe and everything, at least for the next year, but so often do I realize I'm not. My other mantra for today has been, "It's just another day." Which when it is your birthday, sounds kind of depressing. I took my car in for service, baked my own birthday cake (thank you very much) and since my wife is teaching tonight, I don't get to see her until probably late this evening, close to 9 or 10.

It was just under a year ago I had the feeling that turned me around and decided to seek help for my depression. So, you would think I'd be pretty down about being all alone most of the day today. When, in fact, it is the mantra 'Just another day' that has gotten me through. You see, I may be alone today, but tomorrow I get to go to the city that I love, with two of my favorite women on this planet. Then, if we can time it right, I will get to meet the CEO of the Brandon Marshall Foundation, (who had his own birthday not too long ago). Then, I get to spend the weekend with those same 2 awesome women, and hang around in the best city in the United States. So, even today, just another day, leads to an awesome tomorrow, and I think there's something to that. Thanks everybody for enjoying this day with me.

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