Saturday, June 14, 2014

Seven; or "You're Outta yer element, Donnie!"

One week. That's it! (The rebels are there!) As long as I don't come out of hyperspace too close to the system a week from now, everything will be fine. However, if my estimates and understanding of the BBC America schedule is correct, the final episode of series 2 of the fantastic "Orphan Black" will be airing just after I set off on my race with the sun. It's no big deal as the DVR is set to record it, but you know it's the last in the series, and I'll have to wait until I get back to see it. I don't have the Genie thingy from DirecTV, and I'm not sure about watching it on a tablet. Plus, I'll have other things to do that night, and the days afterwards. Mostly.
It's exciting! So exciting for me, admittedly I'm not really enjoying work every day, but it will pass. I'm just anxious. My copilot leaves in just a few days, let's call her the Secret Service pre-trip phase. Not really, but it sounds cool, and she'll get a kick out of it. Plus, I'm sure there is an actual name for that part of the Presidential travel schedule, but I'm not sure what it is. Should we give ourselves code names? For some reason, the first one that popped in to my head, when thinking of the 'Green' theme was 'Green Giant'. Another one was 'Mojito'. Any thoughts out there?

Donations are still rolling in, so I want to thank everybody that's donated, or spread the word about what I'm doing and what Brandon Marshall's foundation is doing. Let's roll!

And for today's image, enjoy the many clone iterations of one fabulous Tatiana Maslany, and friends from Orphan Black:

I love how Sarah is all sort of 'Assassin's Creed' she just needs some blades. Interestingly enough, everybody's favorite 'sestra' is not pictured here. Interesting.

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